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Being able to spend some of my hours learning about such an amazing place has been an overall phenomenal experience and I would love to do a project like this again. The area is filled with warmth, color, sadness, happiness, peacefulness and so many other emotions I really cannot describe specifically. All of these aspects are why the museum is what it is today; a comfortable area for others to make friends and share the same experiences with one another.


The MAPS Air Museum is a nonprofit devoted to conserving and educating the community about military aviation. The museum features exciting educational displays of its collection of acquired artifacts, interactive exhibits and historical archives in its own library.


Face to face communication not only works between a tourist and a tour guide, but also between workers. As stated by Kim Kovesci, the executive director who usually plans most of the events and runs the business and management spectrum of the museum, “People are always cracking jokes and teasing one another. We all are having great time in there. There’s never a time when we aren’t laughing. We’re always in a good mood.”(MAPS Air Museum Interview, 2017) Nonverbal cues also play a great role in face to face communication throughout the workplace as people do their jobs on an everyday basis. Something as simple as a smile or a wave creates a sense of homeliness throughout the museum, which helps create a bond between the tourist and tour guide.



Like most businesses and corporations, the MAPS Air Museum does have their own website. On the website, you can find certain facts and information such as upcoming events, background on what the museum has and what's in store during your tour, a directory, hours and cost per ticket, hotels near the area, and much more. If you would like to visit this site, click here. It allows for anyone from anywhere to be able to learn about the museum and what you will learn at the area. 


Through the help of visuals such as conserved airplanes used in combat and real life stories from tour guides that volunteer at the museum in their free time, tourists are really able to feel what the people want them to feel, and also furthers their knowledge on the ideas of war and how it works. Thousands of students of any age visit the museum every year because of schooling and history teachers wanting their students to learn more about the military in a real life scenario.

MAPS Air Museum: News
MAPS Air Museum: Quote
MAPS Air Museum: Service
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